Current Team

Noah Stegman (PhD Student)
Research Topic: Carbon dynamics of the managed forest in Great Lakes region.

Daniel Mutton (PhD Student)
Research Topic: Eco-hydrologic modelling in changing climate

Elizabeth Arango Ruda (PhD Student)
Research Topic: Forest carbon and water cycles
Nur Hussain (PhD Student)
Research Topic: Evaluating catchment-scale carbon and water fluxes using remote sensing techniques and coupled biogeochemical and hydrologic models
Tariq Deen (PhD Student)
Research Topic: Water Security in Indigenous Communities under climate change

Liam Kreibich (Masters Student)
Research Topic: Carbon and water fluxes in agricultural crops

Erin Naguit (Undergraduate Student)
Research Topic: Soil carbon status in conifer and deciduous forests
Amy Hopman (Masters Student)
Research Topic:
Abdullah Malik (Field Researcher)
Research Topic: Data analysis and support in Turkey Point environmental Observatory field work
Former Members
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Collaborator | Research | Current Affiliation |
Laura Junker-Frohn | Effects of conifer sustained quenching on sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emission (Mitacs-Global Link Research Award with Dr. Uwe Rascher, Univ. Bonn/ Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany | |
Oliver Champagne | Climate change impact on river flows and floods in the Hudson Bay lowlands | INRAE Lyon |
Shawn McKenzie | Carbon cycle in managed conifer and deciduous forests and MCCC support. | McMaster University |
Bing Xu | Synthesis of carbon and water fluxes in temperate plantation forests | |
Weeberb Réquia | Electric vehicles and potential improvements in the quality of environment and human health | FGV |
Hussein Wazneh | Analysis of limitations and applicability of climate indices to characterize extreme weather events | Centre RISC |
Myroslava Khomik | Carbon and water fluxes in temperate plantation forests | McMaster Univserity |
Tara Razavi | Trends and uncertainty analysis of climate change trends for Spencer Creek, Ontario | Parsons Corporation |
Jagadeesh Yeluripati | Historic carbon cycle studies at catchment scales | The James Hutton Institute |
Fengming Yuan | Developing a carbon and nitrogen cycle models for Canadian GCM | |
Polasam Rao | Up-scaling carbon fluxes from stand to region | |
Muhammad Shaikh | NCAR CAM2 general circulation model simulations and coupling Carbon-Canadian Land Surface Scheme to CAM2. | McMaster University |
Zavareh Kothavala | Developing and testing of Carbon-Canadian Land Surface Scheme |
PHD Students
Student | Research | Current Affiliation |
Alanna Bodo | Impact of climate change & and extremes on forested watersheds | UKCEH |
Oliver Champagne | Impact of climate change and extreme weather events on watersheds in Ontario. | INRAE Lyon |
Eric Beamsderfer | Seasonal and inter-annual variability of carbon fluxes in conifer and deciduous forests in southern Ontario | University of Wyoming |
Shawn McKenzie | Historic analysis of carbon uptake in conifer and deciduous forests | McMaster University |
Robin Thorne | Historic analysis of carbon uptake in conifer and deciduous forests | McMaster University |
Suo Huang | N cycle modelling using CTEMN+ model | Employment and Social Development Canada |
Jason Brodeur | Uncertainty analysis of forest carbon fluxes. | McMaster University |
Bin Chen | National and catchment scale carbon cycle modelling using CN-CLASS model | |
Samantha Mackay | Drought impact on annual carbon and water budget in a forest | NorQuest College |
Matthias Peichl | NO2, CH4 and CO2 exchanges in a Pine plantation chronosequence | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Myroslava Khomik | Photosynthetic and soil CO2 processes in boreal and temperate forests | McMaster University |
Natalia Restrepo | CO2 and H2O fluxes from plantation forests | University of Arizona |
Mahmoud Pejam | CO2 and H2O fluxes in mixed wood forests | UTRCA |
Shuhua Yi | Investigating soil freeze and thaw processes | Nantong University |
Masters Students
Student | Research | Current Affiliation |
Lejla Latifovic | Impact of Gypsy moth infestation on carbon sequestration in a deciduous forest | Pembina Institute |
Farbod Tabaei | Soil carbon dynamic of conifer and deciduous forests | University of Toronto |
Yueqian (David) Ma | Soil CO2 emission studies in temperate conifer and deciduous forests | Ontario Clean Water Agency |
Muhammad Rizwan | Climate and extreme weather impacts on infrastructure development industry in Ontario | McMaster University |
Stéfan Sauer | An integrated biogeochemical and watershed hydrological modelling system – MESH-CTEN. | |
Brandon Burns | Soil water control on carbon and water fluxes in a deciduous forest during the extreme weather events | TC Energy |
Katelynn Daly | Soil CO2 emission studies in a temperate deciduous forest in southern Ontario | Summit Nanotech |
Felix Chan | Carbon and water fluxes in a recently planted temperate pine forests in Ontario | Hatfield Consultants |
Jung Lee | Economic analysis of conifer afforestation and carbon sequestration in Canada | British Journal of Surgery |
Rachel Skubel | Carbon and water fluxes in a age sequence of temperate forests in southern Ontario | Washington State Department of Natural Resources |
Michelle Kula | Evaluating ecosystem biomass in forests using biometric techniques | Stratus Ag Research |
Janelle Trant | Impact of partial thinning on growth of a pine forest | City of Hamilton |
Antana Persaud | Carbon cycling in a deciduous forest in Ontario | |
Reham Khader | Water balance of a deciduous forest in Ontario | World University Service of Canada |
Michelle Molon | Studying groundwater dynamics in a forest using geophysical techniques | |
Emily Nicholas | Drought impacts on Soil CO2 efflux in a forest | |
Samantha Mackay | Drought effects of forest growth | NorQuest College |
Joshua McLaren | Atmospheric and soil water limitations on water flux components in a temperate forest | The Co-operators |
Rose Blair | Air pollution in the urban settings | |
Matthias Peichl | Carbon stocks in a chronosequence of temperate conifer stands | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Myroslava Khomik | Soil CO2 emissions from temperate and boreal forests | McMaster Univserity |
Undergraduate Students
Student | Research | Current Affiliation |
Brooklyn Lanosky | Weather impact on tobacco crop | FS Partners |
Bronwyn Riddoch | Soil CO2 emission in conifer and deciduous forests | University of Waterloo |
Alanah Reveler | Climate change and crop production in ON | City of Peterborough |
Christopher Jobity | Exploring Evapotranspiration from three different age conifer forests over 2018-2020 period | Western University |
Rachael Barca | The Covid-19 Spread and Correlation with Weather Variables and Environmental Ramifications | Town of Oakville |
Kyle Heyblom | Exploring land used impacts on energy, water and carbon exchanges using MESH-CTEM | Plannete Al |
Mateas Winter | Caron budget of plantation forests | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
Joseph Tuffner | Evaluating variable retention harvesting impacts on forest growth | University of Calgary |
Daniel Wu | Improving ecosystem respiration processes in CLASS-CTEM model | |
Arman Khorshidi | Soil CO2 emissions from different age forest at Turkey Point site. | York Region Municipality |
Elizabeth Kitching | Soil CO2 emission in variable retention harvest plots at Turkey Point site. | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
Claire Elliott | Climate impacts on soil CO2 emission in a deciduous forest | SLR Consulting |
Josephine Campbell | Soil CO2 emission in variable retention harvest plots at Turkey Point site. | Runners Den |
Natalie Armstrong | Climate impacts on soil CO2 emission in a deciduous forest | WSP Canada |
Nichole Sandler | Soil CO2 emission in variable retention harvest plots at Turkey Point site. | |
Kayla Wang | Variable retention harvest impacts on forest growth and soil CO2 emissions. | |
Stéfan Sauer | Improving ecosystem respiration processes in CLASS-CTEM model | |
Subul Khalid | Soil carbon stocks, hydraulic conductivity and other physical properties at Turkey Point sites | |
Sara Fisher | Exploring Sub-Annual and Multi-Decadal Climate Controls on Growth in a Natural Forest in Southern Ontario | |
Robert Rawlins | The State of Food Sustainability at McMaster University (ISci 4A12) | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
Korryn Garvey | Environment and human health effects of tree planting in Ontario – Personal & scientific narrative (Arts & Science 4A06) | Yellowknife Community Foundation |
Prathees Mahendrarajah | Soil moisture impact on satellite Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (Civil Engineering 4Z04) | Aecon Group Inc. |
Benjamin Windeler | Improving carbon, water and nutrient cycling processes of CLASS-CTEM model | Digital Public Square |
Jung Lee | Water use efficacy in different age in temperate forests | |
Ateeq Ahmed | Soil water balance of a deciduous forest | |
Stephanie Fraser | Nutrient cycling in forests | AECOM |
Jaclyn Hill | Forest sapflow study | The Weather Network |
Joanna Woof | Dynamics of air pollutants in southern Ontario | |
Madeline Martin | Soil CO2 flux dynamics in a temperate pine forest | |
Michelle Blake | Thinning techniques to enhance carbon uptake by forests | |
Laura Wheeland | Forest Management and its Application for Carbon Crediting in Canada | |
Emily Nicholas | Soil CO2 fluxes in a forest | |
Cassandra Banting | Lake breeze and urban heat island effects on air pollution | City of Port Colborne |
Brian Silveria | Ground water studies in Lake Erie BIG catchment | |
Jane Assini | Water balance of three Ontario forests | Sanofi |
Samantha MacKay | Carbon exchanges in eastern and western conifer forests | NorQuest College |
Elaine Lucko | Transpiration in a mature pine forest | |
Mark Francisco | Testing CLASS model over grass lands | |
Sven D’Souza | Spatial distribution of fine root biomass in a mature pine forest. | |
Joel von Popta | Carbon and water exchanges over a young conifer forest | Stantec |
Jackie Young | Net Primary Productivity in white pine forests | Thermor Ltd |
Emily Nicolas | Help with Turkey Point Flux Station field work | |
Josh McLaren | Help with Turkey Point Flux Station field work (part time) | The Co-operators |
Matthias Peichl | Help with Turkey Point Flux Station field work | |
Myroslava Khomik | Help with Turkey Point Flux Station field work | McMaster University |
Jason Brodeur | Help with Turkey Point Flux Station field work | McMaster University |
Patrick Chahil | Help with Turkey Point Flux Station field work |
Supporting Staff
Student | Research | Current Affiliation |
Ismail Arif | Climate Centre UG student chapter activities | Earth4All |
Aisha Ahmed | Climate Centre UG student chapter activities | |
Micah Eckert | Climate Centre UG student chapter activities | The University of British Columbia |
Navpreet Flora | Climate Centre UG student chapter activities | Science for Everyone |
Payton Truyens | Climate Centre UG student chapter activities | Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council |
Keegan Smith | Global Water Futures (25% of the time, P.I. Sean Carey) | Water First Education & Training Inc |
Ian Martin | Global Water Futures (25% of the time, P.I. Sean Carey) | |
Benjamin Windeler | Improving carbon, water and nutrient cycling processes of CLASS-CTEM model | Digital Public Sqaure |
Supriya Singh | Support for research work at Turkey Point and climate centre outreach activities | |
Jon Farrow | LEARN-CC project under FWI Initiative. | |
Norm Finkelstein | Air pollution and Turkey Point project | |
Lisa Van De Walle | Turkey Point flux data archiving | |
Wesley Philp | SGES weather station website and Turkey Point flux station field work help | |
Faiza Arain | Air pollution data analysis and archiving | Columbia International College |
Matt Regier | BERMS Coupled hydrological-carbon cycle modeling study (with Dr. A. Barr) |